Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Module #2

Anyone having difficulty downloading the readings in Module #2?


  1. Yes, the Monaghan wasn't loading properly & when I tried to print a PDF directly from ANGEL it was saved in gibberish (which I assume is some sort of copyright protection). However - I was able to find the article on the Journal of Higher Ed website, transfer it to Word and print a PDF from there. Let me know if you would like me to send it or any of the others to you.

  2. The Monghan was the only piece that I did not have problems with! :)

    I was able to download the PDFs at work but at home I couldn't.. Angle is buggy I guess.


  3. Let me know if you continue to have these problems. I will be happy to bypass the FIT server if that makes more sense. I can get this material in a Dropbox outside of the server, but let's see whether the problem lies with the server, the articles or the computer demons. There should be no copyright problems with any of this material. Keep me apprised of what seems to be happening...

  4. I was able to get to all of them. I can give you copies if need be. I have an extra of the Panero/Zelnik book if you need.
    Shannon :)
